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Angel, Ryland

The Lord's Prayer for solo voice and SATB choir

Angel, Timothy

Beati quorum via for SATB choir


Salve Regina for voice and keyboard (piano or organ)


Complete Bach Transcriptions for piano

Brahms, Johannes

Sonata No. 1 for Cello and Piano Op. 38 transcribed for Horn and Piano by Daniel Grimwood


A Distant Music - Excelsis 1 for voices and organ
A Distant Music - Praise: Psalms and Prayers 1 for chorus and organ
A Distant Music - Incarnatus 1 for chorus and organ
Pipeaux 1934 transcribed for Organ by Simon Niemiński

Darke, Harold

Three Concert Studies Op. 7, for piano
Phantasie for piano and orchestra in A minor Op. 11, full orchestral score (A4 spiral-bound)
Phantasie for piano and orchestra in A minor Op. 11, two-piano rehearsal score (A4 spiral-bound)
Phantasie for piano and orchestra in A minor Op. 11, orchestral parts
Six Characteristic Pieces Op. 13, for piano
Fancies Op. 18, for piano

Drury, David

Adam lay ybounden for SATB choir
Advent Prose for SATB choir
Ave Verum Corpus I for SATB choir
Ave Verum Corpus II for SATB choir
Ave Verum Corpus I & II for SATB choir
A Parish Eucharist for voice and organ - organ score
A Parish Eucharist - congregational part for voice and organ
Silent Night for SATB choir
By the waters of Babylon for baritone solo and SATB choir
The Little Drummer Boy for SATB choir and piano
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis for SATB choir and organ
Mass in Honour of St Mary MacKillop for SATB choir and organ
O little town of Bethlehem for SATB choir and organ
What child is this? for unison voices and organ or piano

Dupré, Marcel

Quatre Pièces Op. 19, for piano
Ballade Op. 30, for piano and organ
Poème Heroïque Op. 33, arranged for organ
Poème Heroïque Op. 33, for 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, organ and drum
Variations on Two Themes Op. 35, for piano and organ
Sinfonia Op. 42, for piano and organ
Paraphrase on "Te Deum" Op. 43, for organ
Quartet Op. 52, for string trio and organ
Trio Op. 55, for violin, cello and organ
Sonata Op. 60, for cello and organ
Souvenir Op. 65bis, for organ or harmonium
Offertoire "Il est né, le divin Enfant" for organ
Résonances for organ and orchestra (study score)
Résonances for organ and piano (orchestral reduction)

Elgar, Sir Edward

Polonia Op. 76, transcribed for organ by Simon Niemiński

Fabrikant, Harold

The Pianists Hardly Spoil Me With Too Much Attention

Franck, César

O salutaris, FWV55/CFF207 for 2 sopranos or tenors and organ
Tantum ergo FWV58/CFF208 for baritone solo, SATB choir and organ

Henschel, George

String Quartet in E-flat major Op. 55, for 2 violins, viola and cello
Communion Service in C (original version) Op. 65, for SATB soloists and SSAATTBB chorus
Communion Service in C (Roman rite version) Op. 65, for SATB soloists and SSAATTBB chorus
Missa ad octo voces inæquales Op. 65[bis], for SATB soloists and SSAATTBB chorus
Missa ad octo voces inæquales, without Credo Op. 65[bis], for SATB soloists and SSAATTBB choir
There were Shepherds Op. 66, for SSAATTBB choir
O salutaris Hostia, from Missa ad octo voces inæquales for SATB choir
Tantum ergo for SATTBB choir and organ
O salutaris Hostia and Tantum ergo for SATTBB choir and organ
Pater noster for SSA choir
Prelude on a Hymn of All Saints' for organ

Hurlstone, William

Piano Concerto in D full orchestral score (A4 spiral-bound)
Sonata in F minor for piano
Piano Concerto in D two-piano rehearsal score (A4 spiral-bound)
Piano Concerto in D orchestral parts

Ison, Kurt

Behold! A Rose is Growing Op. 2, for SS choir, alto saxophone and organ
Psalm 122 for SSAA choir
Three Modern Organ Voluntaries for organ

Jewkes, Peter

8 Last Verse Arrangements for organ, with optional descants
Missa Sine Nomine for voice and organ
Missa Sine Nomine - congregational part for voice and organ (10-pack)

Karg-Elert, Sigfrid

Zweite Sonate für Harmonium Op. 46, transcribed for org

Kelly, Frederick Septimus

Elegy for String Orchestra transcribed for organ by Simon Niemiński

Langlais, Jean

Fête for organ

Leighton Jones, Michael

'A Closer Walk with God' for SATB chorus and organ
Anthem for the Feast of the Holy Trinity for SSA Semi-Chorus, Double Choir and Organ
Five Irish Folk Songs for SSAA choir
For the Fallen for SSAATTBB choir
Gallipoli for SATB choir, organ
A Marian Sequence for unaccompanied chorus
Preces and Responses for SSAATTBB choir
Remembrance for SATB choir, optional trumpet, organ

Locard, Paul

Léon Boëllmann: Un vie/A life

Nicholson, Sir Sydney Hugo

Two Communion Hymns for SATB choir and organ

Niemiński, Simon

Toccata: One and Free : a celebration for organ

Parry, C Hubert H

Crossing the Bar for SATB choir

Riley, Daniel

Coventry Carol for SATB choir and organ
The Lord's Prayer for SATB choir
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis 'Fauxbourdons' for SATB choir
Nativitie for SATB choir and organ

Sandstrom, Sharon

Congregational Mass for voice and organ or piano

Shelley, Brooke

A New Commandment for SSAATTBB choir
Ave maris stella for SATB choir
Before the ending of the day for SSAATTBB choir
The Brisbane Canticles for SATB choir
The Brisbane Responses for SATB choir
Emendemus in melius for SSAATTBB choir
Heavenly Father for SSAATTBB choir
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in E-flat for SSAATTBB choir
Messe sans Regretz for SSSATBarBB choir
Messe sans Regretz for SSAATTBB choir
Missa Ænigmata for SSAATTBB choir
Nativity for SSAATTBB choir
Nativity arranged for SSATBB choir
Nowell: Now make we joy for SSATBarB choir
Praise the Lord for SSAATTBB choir
Stetit angelus for SSSA voices
Tanquam sydus matutinum for SSAATTBB choir
Viri Galilæi for SATB chorus and organ

Smith, Oscar

The St Laurence Service for unison voice and organ

Stanford, Charles Villiers

The Blue Bird arranged for organ by John Keene
St Patrick's Breastplate for SATB choir and organ
St Patrick's Breastplate for SATB choir, organ, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, side drum and cymbals

Vale, Walter

Mass in Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed for SSAATTBB choir

Vierne, Louis

Tantum ergo Op. 2, for SATB choir and organ
Deux pièces Op. 6, for oboe and piano
Ave Maria Op. 3, for SATB choir and organ
Ave verum Op. 15, for soprano (or tenor) and organ
Maestoso in C sharp minor Op. 16/1, arr. for organ solo by Alexander Schreiner
Messe Solennelle en Ut# mineur Op. 16, for SATB choir and two organs
Messe Solennelle en Ut# mineur Op. 16, full orchestral score (A3 spiral-bound)
Messe Solennelle en Ut# mineur Op. 16, orchestra (parts)
Messe solennelle en Ut# mineur Op. 16, choir score
Messe Solennelle en Ut# mineur Op. 16, full orchestral study score (A4)

Widor, Charles-Marie

COMPLETE SET: Complete Works for Piano, 7 volumes for piano
Complete Works for Piano Volume 1 for piano
Complete Works for Piano Volume 2 for piano
Complete Works for Piano Volume 3 for piano
Complete Works for Piano Volume 4 for piano
Complete Works for Piano Volume 5 for piano
Complete Works for Piano Volume 6 for piano
Complete Works for Piano Volume 7 for piano
Variations sur un Thème original Op. 1/29, for piano
Pages intimes, movements 3-6 Op. 2, for piano
Airs de Ballet Op. 4, for piano
Scherzo-Valse Op. 5, for piano
Deux Fantaisies Italiennes Op. 6, for piano
O salutaris Op. 8, for voice and organ
Caprice Op. 9, for piano
Sérénade Op. 10, for flute, violin, cello, harmonium and piano
Sérénade Op. 10, arr. for piano
3 Valses Op. 11, for piano
Impromptu Op. 12, for piano
Cantabile Op. 13/4, for piano
6 Morceaux de Salon Op. 15, for piano
Prélude, Andante et Final Op. 17, for piano
Tantum ergo Op. 18/1, for baritone choir, SATB choir and organ
Regina coeli Op. 18/2, for two baritone choirs, SATB choir and organ
Scènes de Bal Op. 20, for piano
Trois motets Op. 23, for baritone choir, SATB choir and two organs
Psaume LXXXIII Op. 23/1, for SATB choir and two organs
Tu es Petrus Op. 23/2, for baritone choir, SATB choir and two organs
Surrexit a mortuis Op. 23/3, for SATB choir and two organs
Trois Chœurs Op. 25, for unaccompanied SATB chorus
6 Valses caracteristiques Op. 26A, for piano
6 Valses caracteristiques Op. 26B, for piano
12 Feuillets d'Album Op. 31, for piano
5 Valses Op. 33, for piano
Messe Op. 36, for 2 choirs and 2 organs
Messe Op. 36, for 2 choirs, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones and 2 organs
Messe Op. 36, for 2 choirs, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones and 2 organs (brass parts)
Chanson du chasseur Op. 37/5, for piano
Conte d'Automne Op. 42/1, for piano
Toccata Op. 42/1, for piano
Dans les Bois Op. 44, for piano
La Korrigane Op. 45, for piano
La Korrigane, suite for orchestra Op. 45[a], full orchestral study score (A4)
La Korrigane, suite for orchestra Op. 45[a], full orchestral score (A3 spiral-bound)
La Korrigane, suite for orchestra Op. 45[a], orchestra (parts)
Pages intimes Op. 48, for piano
Suite Polonaise Op. 51, for piano
Ronde de nuit, from Maître Ambros Op. 56, for piano
Suite Op. 58, for piano
Ave Maria Op. 59A, for voice and piano (or harp)
Ave Maria Op. 59B, for voice and organ
Carnaval Book I (final version) Op. 61, for piano
Carnaval Book II (final version) Op. 61, for piano
Fantaisie Op. 62, for two pianos, four hands
Conte d'Avril Op. 64, full orchestral study score (A4)
Conte d'Avril Op. 64, full orchestral score (A3 spiral-bound)
Conte d'Avril Op. 64, orchestra (parts)
Conte d'Avril Op. 64, for piano
Conte d'Avril - Suite Concertante, Book I Op. 64, for 2 pianos
Conte d'Avril - Suite Concertante, Book II Op. 64, for 2 pianos
Cinq pièces Op. 71, for piano
Suite écossaise Op. 78, for piano
2 Waltzes from La Korrigane for piano
Air en style ancien & Pastorale Louis XV for piano
Ave verum corpus for SATB choir
Bach's Memento & Handel's Célèbre Largo (ed. John R Near), for organ
En Route for piano
"Fantaisie en La majeur" for piano
Feuillet d'album for piano
Fugue sur le nom d'Haydn for piano
Gaillarde for piano
Improm[p]tu for piano
Marche de Noël, from Les pêcheurs de Saint-Jean for piano
Marche gauloise for piano
Marche Française for piano
Mélodie for piano
Mélodrame for piano
Ouverture espagnole full orchestral study score (A4)
Ouverture espagnole full orchestral score (A3 spiral-bound)
Ouverture espagnole orchestra (parts)
Ouverture portugaise full orchestral score (A3 spiral-bound)
Ouverture portugaise full orchestral study score (A4)
Ouverture portugaise orchestra (parts)
O salutaris for tenor solo, SATB choir and organ
Pavane Guerrière for piano
Prélude and Pièce en style ancien for piano
Psaume 112 full orchestral score (A3 spiral-bound)
Psaume 112 orchestra (parts)
Psaume 112 choir score
Psaume 112 full orchestral study score (A4)

Widor, François-Charles

Sérénade Op. 6, for piano

Woodside, Jeremy

Exeter Canticles for trebles and organ
Fauxbourdon Service for SATB choir
In the bleak midwinter for trebles, violoncello and piano or organ
Missa Wellensis for lower voices and organ
O Lorde, the maker of al thing for trebles and organ
O most merciful for SATB choir
Sumer is icumen in: five flower songs for soprano and piano
Tu es Petrus for SATB choir and organ
There will be rest for SSA choir and organ
The Turning Wheel for mezzo-soprano and piano
The Wells Service for trebles and organ
What heart was that? 5 Dorothy Parker songs for baritone and piano
White-note Preludes for piano